SDL Wiki
(This is the documentation for SDL3, which is the current stable version. SDL2 was the previous version!)


App-implemented initial entry point for SDL_MAIN_USE_CALLBACKS apps.

Header File

Defined in <SDL3/SDL_main.h>


SDL_AppResult SDL_AppInit(void **appstate, int argc, char *argv[]);

Function Parameters

void ** appstate a place where the app can optionally store a pointer for future use.
int argc the standard ANSI C main's argc; number of elements in argv.
char ** argv the standard ANSI C main's argv; array of command line arguments.

Return Value

(SDL_AppResult) Returns SDL_APP_FAILURE to terminate with an error, SDL_APP_SUCCESS to terminate with success, SDL_APP_CONTINUE to continue.


Apps implement this function when using SDL_MAIN_USE_CALLBACKS. If using a standard "main" function, you should not supply this.

This function is called by SDL once, at startup. The function should initialize whatever is necessary, possibly create windows and open audio devices, etc. The argc and argv parameters work like they would with a standard "main" function.

This function should not go into an infinite mainloop; it should do any one-time setup it requires and then return.

The app may optionally assign a pointer to *appstate. This pointer will be provided on every future call to the other entry points, to allow application state to be preserved between functions without the app needing to use a global variable. If this isn't set, the pointer will be NULL in future entry points.

If this function returns SDL_APP_CONTINUE, the app will proceed to normal operation, and will begin receiving repeated calls to SDL_AppIterate and SDL_AppEvent for the life of the program. If this function returns SDL_APP_FAILURE, SDL will call SDL_AppQuit and terminate the process with an exit code that reports an error to the platform. If it returns SDL_APP_SUCCESS, SDL calls SDL_AppQuit and terminates with an exit code that reports success to the platform.

This function is called by SDL on the main thread.


This function is available since SDL 3.1.3.

See Also

CategoryAPI, CategoryAPIFunction, CategoryMain

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