SDL Wiki


EGL platform attribute initialization callback.

Header File

Defined in <SDL3/SDL_video.h>


typedef SDL_EGLAttrib *(SDLCALL *SDL_EGLAttribArrayCallback)(void *userdata);

Function Parameters

userdata an app-controlled pointer that is passed to the callback.

Return Value

Returns a newly-allocated array of attributes, terminated with EGL_NONE.


This is called when SDL is attempting to create an EGL context, to let the app add extra attributes to its eglGetPlatformDisplay() call.

The callback should return a pointer to an EGL attribute array terminated with EGL_NONE. If this function returns NULL, the SDL_CreateWindow process will fail gracefully.

The returned pointer should be allocated with SDL_malloc() and will be passed to SDL_free().

The arrays returned by each callback will be appended to the existing attribute arrays defined by SDL.


This datatype is available since SDL 3.2.0.

See Also

CategoryAPI, CategoryAPIDatatype, CategoryVideo

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