Specifies how a buffer is intended to be used by the client.
Defined in <SDL3/SDL_gpu.h>
typedef Uint32 SDL_GPUBufferUsageFlags;
#define SDL_GPU_BUFFERUSAGE_VERTEX (1u << 0) /**< Buffer is a vertex buffer. */
#define SDL_GPU_BUFFERUSAGE_INDEX (1u << 1) /**< Buffer is an index buffer. */
#define SDL_GPU_BUFFERUSAGE_INDIRECT (1u << 2) /**< Buffer is an indirect buffer. */
#define SDL_GPU_BUFFERUSAGE_GRAPHICS_STORAGE_READ (1u << 3) /**< Buffer supports storage reads in graphics stages. */
#define SDL_GPU_BUFFERUSAGE_COMPUTE_STORAGE_READ (1u << 4) /**< Buffer supports storage reads in the compute stage. */
#define SDL_GPU_BUFFERUSAGE_COMPUTE_STORAGE_WRITE (1u << 5) /**< Buffer supports storage writes in the compute stage. */
A buffer must have at least one usage flag. Note that some usage flag combinations are invalid.
Unlike textures, READ | WRITE can be used for simultaneous read-write usage. The same data synchronization concerns as textures apply.
If you use a STORAGE flag, the data in the buffer must respect std140 layout conventions. In practical terms this means you must ensure that vec3 and vec4 fields are 16-byte aligned.
This datatype is available since SDL 3.2.0.