Specifies a comparison operator for depth, stencil and sampler operations.
Defined in <SDL3/SDL_gpu.h>
typedef enum SDL_GPUCompareOp
SDL_GPU_COMPAREOP_INVALID,/**< The comparison always evaluates false. */
SDL_GPU_COMPAREOP_NEVER, /**< The comparison evaluates reference < test. */
SDL_GPU_COMPAREOP_LESS, /**< The comparison evaluates reference == test. */
SDL_GPU_COMPAREOP_EQUAL, /**< The comparison evaluates reference <= test. */
SDL_GPU_COMPAREOP_LESS_OR_EQUAL, /**< The comparison evaluates reference > test. */
SDL_GPU_COMPAREOP_GREATER, /**< The comparison evaluates reference != test. */
SDL_GPU_COMPAREOP_NOT_EQUAL, /**< The comparison evalutes reference >= test. */
SDL_GPU_COMPAREOP_GREATER_OR_EQUAL, /**< The comparison always evaluates true. */
This enum is available since SDL 3.2.0.