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// SDL3_net API Quick Reference
// The latest version of this document can be found at
// Based on SDL_net version 3.0.0
// This can be useful in an IDE with search and syntax highlighting.
// Original idea for this document came from Dan Bechard (thanks!)
// ASCII art generated by: (with modified 'S' for readability)

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#define SDL_NET_MAJOR_VERSION                                                                                              // Printable format: "%d.%d.%d", MAJOR, MINOR, MICRO
#define SDL_NET_VERSION                                                                                                    // This is the version number macro for the current SDL_net version.
#define SDL_NET_VERSION_ATLEAST(X, Y, Z)                                                                                   // This macro will evaluate to true if compiled with SDL_net at least X.Y.Z.
int SDLNet_Version(void);                                                                                                  // This function gets the version of the dynamically linked SDL_net library.
bool SDLNet_Init(void);                                                                                                    // Initialize the SDL_net library.
void SDLNet_Quit(void);                                                                                                    // Deinitialize the SDL_net library.
SDLNet_Address * SDLNet_ResolveHostname(const char *host);                                                                 // Resolve a human-readable hostname.
int SDLNet_WaitUntilResolved(SDLNet_Address *address, Sint32 timeout);                                                     // Block until an address is resolved.
int SDLNet_GetAddressStatus(SDLNet_Address *address);                                                                      // Check if an address is resolved, without blocking.
const char * SDLNet_GetAddressString(SDLNet_Address *address);                                                             // Get a human-readable string from a resolved address.
SDLNet_Address * SDLNet_RefAddress(SDLNet_Address *address);                                                               // Add a reference to an SDLNet_Address.
void SDLNet_UnrefAddress(SDLNet_Address *address);                                                                         // Drop a reference to an SDLNet_Address.
void SDLNet_SimulateAddressResolutionLoss(int percent_loss);                                                               // Enable simulated address resolution failures.
int SDLNet_CompareAddresses(const SDLNet_Address *a, const SDLNet_Address *b);                                             // Compare two SDLNet_Address objects.
SDLNet_Address ** SDLNet_GetLocalAddresses(int *num_addresses);                                                            // Obtain a list of local addresses on the system.
void SDLNet_FreeLocalAddresses(SDLNet_Address **addresses);                                                                // Free the results from SDLNet_GetLocalAddresses.
SDLNet_StreamSocket * SDLNet_CreateClient(SDLNet_Address *address, Uint16 port);                                           // Begin connecting a socket as a client to a remote server.
int SDLNet_WaitUntilConnected(SDLNet_StreamSocket *sock, Sint32 timeout);                                                  // Block until a stream socket has connected to a server.
SDLNet_Server * SDLNet_CreateServer(SDLNet_Address *addr, Uint16 port);                                                    // Create a server, which listens for connections to accept.
bool SDLNet_AcceptClient(SDLNet_Server *server, SDLNet_StreamSocket **client_stream);                                      // Create a stream socket for the next pending client connection.
void SDLNet_DestroyServer(SDLNet_Server *server);                                                                          // Dispose of a previously-created server.
SDLNet_Address * SDLNet_GetStreamSocketAddress(SDLNet_StreamSocket *sock);                                                 // Get the remote address of a stream socket.
int SDLNet_GetConnectionStatus(SDLNet_StreamSocket *sock);                                                                 // Check if a stream socket is connected, without blocking.
bool SDLNet_WriteToStreamSocket(SDLNet_StreamSocket *sock, const void *buf, int buflen);                                   // Send bytes over a stream socket to a remote system.
int SDLNet_GetStreamSocketPendingWrites(SDLNet_StreamSocket *sock);                                                        // Query bytes still pending transmission on a stream socket.
int SDLNet_WaitUntilStreamSocketDrained(SDLNet_StreamSocket *sock, Sint32 timeout);                                        // Block until all of a stream socket's pending data is sent.
int SDLNet_ReadFromStreamSocket(SDLNet_StreamSocket *sock, void *buf, int buflen);                                         // Receive bytes that a remote system sent to a stream socket.
void SDLNet_SimulateStreamPacketLoss(SDLNet_StreamSocket *sock, int percent_loss);                                         // Enable simulated stream socket failures.
void SDLNet_DestroyStreamSocket(SDLNet_StreamSocket *sock);                                                                // Dispose of a previously-created stream socket.
SDLNet_DatagramSocket * SDLNet_CreateDatagramSocket(SDLNet_Address *addr, Uint16 port);                                    // Create and bind a new datagram socket.
bool SDLNet_SendDatagram(SDLNet_DatagramSocket *sock, SDLNet_Address *address, Uint16 port, const void *buf, int buflen);  // Send a new packet over a datagram socket to a remote system.
bool SDLNet_ReceiveDatagram(SDLNet_DatagramSocket *sock, SDLNet_Datagram **dgram);                                         // Receive a new packet that a remote system sent to a datagram socket.
void SDLNet_DestroyDatagram(SDLNet_Datagram *dgram);                                                                       // Dispose of a datagram packet previously received.
void SDLNet_SimulateDatagramPacketLoss(SDLNet_DatagramSocket *sock, int percent_loss);                                     // Enable simulated datagram socket failures.
void SDLNet_DestroyDatagramSocket(SDLNet_DatagramSocket *sock);                                                            // Dispose of a previously-created datagram socket.
int SDLNet_WaitUntilInputAvailable(void **vsockets, int numsockets, Sint32 timeout);                                       // Block on multiple sockets until at least one has data available.

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