SDL Wiki
(This function is part of SDL_net, a separate library from SDL.)


Receive a new packet that a remote system sent to a datagram socket.

Header File

Defined in <SDL3_net/SDL_net.h>


bool SDLNet_ReceiveDatagram(SDLNet_DatagramSocket *sock, SDLNet_Datagram **dgram);

Function Parameters

SDLNet_DatagramSocket * sock the datagram socket to send data through.
SDLNet_Datagram ** dgram a pointer to the datagram packet pointer.

Return Value

(bool) Returns true if data sent or queued for transmission, false on failure; call SDL_GetError() for details.


Datagram sockets send packets of data. They either arrive as complete packets or they don't arrive at all, so you'll never receive half a packet.

This call never blocks; if no new data isn't available at the time of the call, it returns 0 immediately. The caller can try again later.

On a successful call to this function, it returns zero, even if no new packets are available, so you should check for a successful return and a non-NULL value in *dgram to decide if a new packet is available.

You must pass received packets to SDLNet_DestroyDatagram when you are done with them. If you want to save the sender's address past this time, it is safe to call SDLNet_RefAddress() on the address and hold onto the pointer, so long as you call SDLNet_UnrefAddress() on it when you are done with it.

Since datagrams can arrive from any address or port on the network without prior warning, this information is available in the SDLNet_Datagram object that is provided by this function, and this is the only way to know who to reply to. Even if you aren't acting as a "server," packets can still arrive at your socket if someone sends one.

If there's a fatal error, this function will return false. Datagram sockets generally won't report failures, because there is no state like a "connection" to fail at this level, but may report failure for unrecoverable system-level conditions; once a datagram socket fails, you should assume it is no longer usable and should destroy it with SDL_DestroyDatagramSocket().

Thread Safety

You should not operate on the same socket from multiple threads at the same time without supplying a serialization mechanism. However, different threads may access different sockets at the same time without problems.


This function is available since SDL_Net 3.0.0.

See Also

CategoryAPI, CategoryAPIFunction

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