SDL Wiki
(This function is part of SDL_ttf, a separate library from SDL.)


Draw sequence returned by TTF_GetGPUTextDrawData

Header File

Defined in <SDL3_ttf/SDL_ttf.h>


typedef struct TTF_GPUAtlasDrawSequence
    SDL_GPUTexture *atlas_texture;          /**< Texture atlas that stores the glyphs */
    float *xy;                              /**< Vertex positions */
    int xy_stride;                          /**< Byte size to move from one element to the next element */
    float *uv;                              /**< Vertex normalized texture coordinates */
    int uv_stride;                          /**< Byte size to move from one element to the next element */
    int num_vertices;                       /**< Number of vertices */
    int *indices;                           /**< An array of indices into the 'vertices' arrays */
    int num_indices;                        /**< Number of indices */

    struct TTF_GPUAtlasDrawSequence *next;  /**< The next sequence (will be NULL in case of the last sequence) */
} TTF_GPUAtlasDrawSequence;


This struct is available since SDL_ttf 3.0.0.

See Also

CategoryAPI, CategoryAPIStruct, CategorySDLTTF

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