Draw sequence returned by TTF_GetGPUTextDrawData
Defined in <SDL3_ttf/SDL_ttf.h>
typedef struct TTF_GPUAtlasDrawSequence
{/**< Texture atlas that stores the glyphs */
SDL_GPUTexture *atlas_texture; /**< An array of vertex positions */
SDL_FPoint *xy; /**< An array of normalized texture coordinates for each vertex */
SDL_FPoint *uv; int num_vertices; /**< Number of vertices */
int *indices; /**< An array of indices into the 'vertices' arrays */
int num_indices; /**< Number of indices */
/**< The image type of this draw sequence */
TTF_ImageType image_type;
struct TTF_GPUAtlasDrawSequence *next; /**< The next sequence (will be NULL in case of the last sequence) */
} TTF_GPUAtlasDrawSequence;
This struct is available since SDL_ttf 3.0.0.