SDL2 Wiki

(See SDL3/SDL_Quit for the SDL3 version.)


Clean up all initialized subsystems.

Header File

Defined in SDL.h


void SDL_Quit(void);


You should call this function even if you have already shutdown each initialized subsystem with SDL_QuitSubSystem(). It is safe to call this function even in the case of errors in initialization.

If you start a subsystem using a call to that subsystem's init function (for example SDL_VideoInit()) instead of SDL_Init() or SDL_InitSubSystem(), then you must use that subsystem's quit function (SDL_VideoQuit()) to shut it down before calling SDL_Quit(). But generally, you should not be using those functions directly anyhow; use SDL_Init() instead.

You can use this function with atexit() to ensure that it is run when your application is shutdown, but it is not wise to do this from a library or other dynamically loaded code.


This function is available since SDL 2.0.0.

See Also

CategoryAPI, CategoryAPIFunction, CategoryInit

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