The opaque handle that represents an audio stream.
Defined in <SDL3/SDL_audio.h>
typedef struct SDL_AudioStream SDL_AudioStream;
SDL_AudioStream is an audio conversion interface.
- It can handle resampling data in chunks without generating artifacts, when it doesn't have the complete buffer available.
- It can handle incoming data in any variable size.
- It can handle input/output format changes on the fly.
- It can remap audio channels between inputs and outputs.
- You push data as you have it, and pull it when you need it
- It can also function as a basic audio data queue even if you just have sound that needs to pass from one place to another.
- You can hook callbacks up to them when more data is added or requested, to manage data on-the-fly.
Audio streams are the core of the SDL3 audio interface. You create one or more of them, bind them to an opened audio device, and feed data to them (or for recording, consume data from them).
This struct is available since SDL 3.2.0.
See Also
CategoryAPI, CategoryAPIDatatype, CategoryAudio