SDL2 Wiki

(See SDL3/SDL_HapticLeftRight for the SDL3 version.)


A structure containing a template for a Left/Right effect.

Header File

Defined in SDL_haptic.h


typedef struct SDL_HapticLeftRight
    /* Header */
    Uint16 type;            /**< SDL_HAPTIC_LEFTRIGHT */

    /* Replay */
    Uint32 length;          /**< Duration of the effect in milliseconds. */

    /* Rumble */
    Uint16 large_magnitude; /**< Control of the large controller motor. */
    Uint16 small_magnitude; /**< Control of the small controller motor. */
} SDL_HapticLeftRight;


This struct is exclusively for the SDL_HAPTIC_LEFTRIGHT effect.

The Left/Right effect is used to explicitly control the large and small motors, commonly found in modern game controllers. The small (right) motor is high frequency, and the large (left) motor is low frequency.

See Also

CategoryAPI, CategoryAPIStruct, CategoryHaptic

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