Wait until a condition variable is signaled or a certain time has passed.
Defined in <SDL3/SDL_mutex.h>
bool SDL_WaitConditionTimeout(SDL_Condition *cond,
SDL_Mutex *mutex, Sint32 timeoutMS);
SDL_Condition * | cond | the condition variable to wait on. |
SDL_Mutex * | mutex | the mutex used to coordinate thread access. |
Sint32 | timeoutMS | the maximum time to wait, in milliseconds, or -1 to wait indefinitely. |
(bool) Returns true if the condition variable is signaled, false if the condition is not signaled in the allotted time.
This function unlocks the specified mutex
and waits for another thread to call SDL_SignalCondition() or SDL_BroadcastCondition() on the condition variable cond
, or for the specified time to elapse. Once the condition variable is signaled or the time elapsed, the mutex is re-locked and the function returns.
The mutex must be locked before calling this function. Locking the mutex recursively (more than once) is not supported and leads to undefined behavior.
It is safe to call this function from any thread.
This function is available since SDL 3.2.0.
bool condition = false;
SDL_Mutex *lock;
SDL_Condition *cond;
lock = SDL_CreateMutex();
cond = SDL_CreateCondition();
Thread_A:const Uint32 timeout = 1000; /* wake up every second */
bool done = false;
while (!done) {
SDL_LockMutex(lock);while (!condition && SDL_WaitConditionTimeout(cond, lock, timeout) == 0) {
SDL_UnlockMutex(lock);if (condition) {
/* ... */
}/* ... do some periodic work */
SDL_LockMutex(lock);/* ... */
condition = true;/* ... */
SDL_DestroyCondition(cond); SDL_DestroyMutex(lock);