SDL Wiki


Creates a shader to be used when creating a graphics pipeline.

Header File

Defined in <SDL3/SDL_gpu.h>


SDL_GPUShader * SDL_CreateGPUShader(
    SDL_GPUDevice *device,
    const SDL_GPUShaderCreateInfo *createinfo);

Function Parameters

SDL_GPUDevice * device a GPU Context.
const SDL_GPUShaderCreateInfo * createinfo a struct describing the state of the shader to create.

Return Value

(SDL_GPUShader *) Returns a shader object on success, or NULL on failure; call SDL_GetError() for more information.


Shader resource bindings must be authored to follow a particular order depending on the shader format.

For SPIR-V shaders, use the following resource sets:

For vertex shaders:

For fragment shaders:

For DXBC and DXIL shaders, use the following register order:

For vertex shaders:

For pixel shaders:

For MSL/metallib, use the following order:

Shader semantics other than system-value semantics do not matter in D3D12 and for ease of use the SDL implementation assumes that non system-value semantics will all be TEXCOORD. If you are using HLSL as the shader source language, your vertex semantics should start at TEXCOORD0 and increment like so: TEXCOORD1, TEXCOORD2, etc. If you wish to change the semantic prefix to something other than TEXCOORD you can use SDL_PROP_GPU_DEVICE_CREATE_D3D12_SEMANTIC_NAME_STRING with SDL_CreateGPUDeviceWithProperties().

There are optional properties that can be provided through props. These are the supported properties:


This function is available since SDL 3.2.0.

See Also

CategoryAPI, CategoryAPIFunction, CategoryGPU

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